
https://roomandproperty.com/ this website a service providing website, as Rooms, Apartment/flats, Makan/house, office, shop, PG Hostel, plots, garage, villa etc properties for rent, sell and buy. all type property available in this website.

Room and Property में आपका स्वागत है! हम आपकी खोज, खरीद, बिक्री और किराये की ज़रूरतों के लिए एक सरल और भरोसेमंद प्लेटफॉर्म प्रदान करते हैं। चाहे आपको कमरा, अपार्टमेंट/फ्लैट, ऑफिस, दुकान, मकान, प्लॉट, पीजी हॉस्टल, विला या गैराज चाहिए हो, हम इसे आपके लिए आसान और सुविधाजनक बनाते हैं।

Services Offered: List your property such as renting, selling, and buying properties (Rooms, Apartments, Offices, Shops, Houses, Plots, etc.).

Easy to Use – A simple and intuitive platform for both buyers and sellers. key features like verified listings, photo/video support, easy search, and user-friendly experience.

Rooms & Properties

Apartment, Office space

Plat, House, Shops etc.

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Contact of our Agent Miss Rajni Solanki for all latest Properties.

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Property Agents

Contact of our Agent for all latest Properties.

Rajni Solanki
assistant manager
Er. Nanya Kharte
Web developer(CEO), Advisor for Property add.- Rooms, House & Plots agent
Mr.Sanjay Bamanka
Senior Manager and Property Advisor/Guidance for Add, Sell & Buy
Mr.Niraj Gangwal
Property Advisor for sell & Buy. Villa & Apartment agent
Ram Solanki
Shops agent
Mr.Rajesh Solanki
Offices agent
Atul Solanki
PG Hostel agent
Er. Mohit Mehara
Rooms agent